Plenary speakers
Round Table
Topic: Artificial intelligence, modelling and Circular Economy in material science in Africa
Prof. William G. FAHRENHOLTZ
Curators’ Distinguished Professor of Ceramic Engineering in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the Missouri University (USA) of Science and Technology and the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the American Ceramic Society.
Title of the lecture:
Ultra-HIgh Temperature Ceramics for Energy applications
Prof. Philippe BLANCHART
Emeritus Professor, Limoges University (France). Expert with the French Ministry of Research for the validation of major industrial research and development programs. Research activities at IRCER are in collaboration with the laboratory activities of the universities of Ouagadougou and Yaoundé, and are linked to some other laboratories in the West African zone.
Title of the lecture:
Professor at the University of Yaoundé I, Cameroun
Title of the lecture:
Artificial Intelligence: state of the art, applications, and Impact
Prof. Carmen Baudín is staff researcher at Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio, CSIC (Ceramics and Glass Institute, ICV-CSIC, Spain) since 1989. She leads and participates in Spanish and European R+D+i projects, most in collaboration with the ceramic industry. Since 2000 she is advisor of producers and users of refractories, mainly in the areas of structural integrity and corrosion.
She has worked for the European association of manufacturers of refractories (PRE) on standardization issues. Since 2002 she has participated in European networks (Marie Curie, Erasmus, COST), especially on bioceramics, and built an Ibero-American CYTED network on refractories.
Carmen is an Honorary member of the Spanish Society of Ceramic and Glass (Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, SECV), where she has been active since 1996, as elected officer of the Refractory and Basic science sections, Vice-Secretary and General Secretary, and currently President of the Technical Ceramics section.
She has been Chief Editor of Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio (BSECV, Journal of the Spanish Ceramics and Glass Society) and is currently Associate Editor.
Carmen is Fellow of the European Ceramic Society (ECerS) were she has been active since 2007, as member of the Council and of the Permanent Executive Committee and as Treasurer of ECerS and of the Journal of the European Ceramic Society Trust.
Scopus Author ID: 7005270843
Title of the lecture:
Tricalcium phosphate-diopside ceramics for bone regeneration
Dr Fabrice ROSSIGNOL obtained his PhD from the University of Limoges (France) in the field of ceramic processes and surface treatments.
Formerly, F. ROSSIGNOL was the head of the Ceramic Processes team at IRCER (UMR CNRS 7315). Since 2018, he has held the position of Deputy Director of IRCER. His research work covers two main aspects in strong
relationship with companies:
– The shaping of nanostructured ceramics (top-down/bottom-up approaches),
– The development of additive manufacturing technologies
He is currently Editor of the Journal of the European Ceramic Society and Director of the Partnership
Foundation of the University of Limoges
Keynote speakers
Dr Fabrice ROSSIGNOL obtained his PhD from the University of Limoges (France) in the field of ceramic processes and surface treatments.
Formerly, F. ROSSIGNOL was the head of the Ceramic Processes team at IRCER (UMR CNRS 7315). Since 2018, he has held the position of Deputy Director of IRCER. His research work covers two main aspects in strong
relationship with companies:
– The shaping of nanostructured ceramics (top-down/bottom-up approaches),
– The development of additive manufacturing technologies
He is currently Editor of the Journal of the European Ceramic Society and Director of the Partnership
Foundation of the University of Limoges
Dr. Zoila Luz EPOSSI NTAH epouse KROLL
Head of the Section of Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, University of Yaounde 1/ Cameroon
Dr Zoila Epossi epse Kroll is Senior Lecturer at the Department of Arts and Archaeology in the Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences in the University of Yaounde 1.
She is chemist and holder of a PhD Degree in Archaeometry. She specialized on the technology and provenance study of archaeological artefacts mainly ceramics but also slags and lithic by using X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, FT-Infrared spectroscopy, thermal analyses DTA/TG and polarized optical microscopy. Her lectures are focused on the application of natural sciences for the understanding of the cultural heritage
Prof David HOUIVET
Professeur à l’Université de Caen (France) et Responsable de l’équipe « Stockage et Matériaux » du LUSAC UR 4253.
Expert en procédés de mélangeage et broyage de poudre, synthèses de poudres, procédés céramiques, caractérisations.
Thématiques majeures : Matériaux pour la production d’hydrogène et le stockage ; Matériaux céramiques à application électroniques (capteurs température, condensateurs multicouches, résonateurs hyperfréquence, d’hygrométrie…).
Prof. Cécile PAGNOUX
Professeure des Universités, Université de Limoges (France). Directrice de l’ENSCI de 2009 à 2013 et actuellement membre du CNU section 33 (Chimie des matériaux). Thème principal de recherche : Application des principes fondamentaux de la science des colloïdes aux procédés céramiques.
Dr. André NJOYA
Equipe de recherche en Arts Céramiques et Technologie des Argiles (ACTA) et l’Unité de Recherche en Arts et Technologie des Matériaux du Centre d’Etude et de Recherche en Espaces, Arts et Humanités (CEREAH) et du Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche en Arts et Technologie des Matériaux – CERATEM de l’Université de Dschang (Cameroun). ‘’ De la terre à l’utilitaire’’ : valorisation des terres argileuses et autres minéraux silico-alumineux et carbonatés dans le domaine de la céramique utilitaire et du bâtiment, de l’exploration des sites exploitables au devenir des Produits Issus des Matières Premières Locales (PIMPL)
Prof. David HUGHES
Associate Dean (Research & Innovation), Teesside University, UK
David is a Professor of low carbon materials and the Associate Dean for Research and Innovation within the Department of Engineering and has worked at the University since 2013. David works closely with local trusts and industries. David is the Chair of the national IOM3 Polymer Group. He coordinates the University Circular Economy and Recycling Innovation Centre (CERIC) with TWI.
Prof. Jean – Eudes BOULINGUI
Enseignant / Chercheur Permanent – Géologue – (SVT-ENS-LIBREVILLE-GABON), CAMES Géomatériaux, Exploration et valorisation des Ressources Minérales.
Directeur de la recherche à la Mission de promotion des Matériaux locaux (MIPROMALO, Cameroun). Chef de la Division de la Recherche et des Prestations Scientifiques et Techniques
Dr. Jean-Bosco JOUDA
School of Chemical Engineering and Mineral Industries, University of Ngaoundere (Cameroon)
Prof Gustave KENNE DEDZO
Associate Professor at the University of Yaoundé I (Cameroun). His research interests include materials chemistry (clay minerals and lignocellulosic materials modification, with applications in catalysis and pollution control) and applied analytical electrochemistry (preparation of electrochemical sensors and molecular electrochemistry.