The aim of CACerS is to contribute to the promotion and development of education and research in the fields of ceramic materials, the valorisation of natural resources and their fields of interest.
Specific objectives
The objectives of the CACerS are specifically to :
Promote scientific research in the field of ceramic materials ;
Encourage and support training and promotion activities in the field of ceramics ;
Promote the valorisation of Central African natural resources in the field of ceramics ;
Contribute to the improvement of industrial practices ;
Participate in innovations and technology transfer in the field of ceramics ;
Organise conferences, colloquiums, congresses, study and training days, any other cultural or scientific event on ceramics ;
Seek the harmonisation and complementarity of programmes of symposia, congresses and technical days devoted to ceramics of all kinds and their applications ;
Develop partnerships with the socio-economic environment ;
Facilitate and encourage contacts and exchanges of information between all members of the ceramic community (engineers, teachers, researchers, students, suppliers of raw materials, manufacturers of ceramics, users, manufacturers of production or laboratory equipment, public and private laboratories, research centres) ;
Represent the national community to similar associations abroad.