About CGCA-01
This first edition of the International Conference on Ceramics and Geomaterials in Central Africa (CGCA-01) will be held in Yaoundé (Cameroon) on November 28 – December 1, 2023. It is organized by the Institute of Research for Ceramics (IRCER, CNRS and University of Limoges), the Faculty of Science of the University of Yaoundé I (Yaoundé, Cameroon) and the MIPROMALO research center (Yaoundé, Cameroon) and occurs under the auspices of the newly created Composites and Advanced Ceramic Society (CACerS) in Central Africa. The main target of CGCA 01 will be to highlight the main answers that can bring sustainable and innovative ceramic solutions to some critical societal challenges. CGCA-01 will include plenary and invited talks, oral presentations, a poster session and a round table. The eight topics covered by CGCA-01 are listed below:
- Geomaterials and clays: prospections and characterization;
- Ceramics and geomaterials processing;
- Sintering and consolidation mechanisms
- Characterization, Structure – properties correlation;
- Low carbon materials, Environmentally Friendly Materials and Sustainability;
- Waste valorization and recycling;
- Porous ceramics and clay-based materials;
- Properties of use and Industrial applications;
- Modelling and Artificial intelligence for materials science.
The debate (round table) will be conducted on the topic “Artificial intelligence, modelling and Circular Economy in material science in Africa”. Recognitions (engagement) and awards (selection by a jury) will be attributed during this conference. Conference language: English, except for plenary and invited talk (choice between French and English) Estimated number of participants: > 150