Professor Gisèle Laure LECOMTE-NANA received the Engineer’s degree in industrial ceramics together with the Master’s degree in 2001 from the Engineering college ENSCI and the University of Limoges in France. This was followed by the PhD degree in Materials Science and Surface Treatments from the University of Limoges in 2004. From 2004 to 2008, she performed post-doctoral services in the Heterogeneous Materials Group (GEMH) laboratory, and with ceramics industries (Saint-Gobain, Terreal), on the formulation and structural characterization of geo-materials and ceramics. In 2008, she became Assistant Professor in the Engineering College of industrial ceramics (ENSCI). Currently, she is at ENSIL-ENSCI, University of Limoges. Her research area is in line with the processing of sustainable hierarchical ceramics into the laboratory IRCER (Research institute on ceramics). She already contributed to more than 60 papers and 2 patents. She is member of the French Ceramics group (GFC) and French Clay group (GFA), and the American and European Ceramics Society (ACerS and ECerS).

Dayirou NJOYA
Vice-President, In charge of scientific and technical organization
Docteurs 3è cycle et Ph.D respectivement en 2004 et 2010 en physico-chimie des matériaux.
Recruté comme Assistant en 2009 au Département de Chimie Inorganique à la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université de Yaoundé I, promu Chargé de Cours en 2011 ; Maître de Conférences en 2017 et Professeur en 2022.
Au niveau du laboratoire de Chimie Inorganique Appliquée notre thème général de recherche est la physico-chimie et la valorisation des matériaux minéraux naturels : argiles, aluminosilicates, bauxite, calcaire, matériaux siliceux ; ce thème est développé suivants deux axes : Argiles-membranes céramiques-agroalimentaires-traitement de l’eau-santé-environnement et Argiles-céramiques-matériaux de construction-environnement. Les travaux de recherche menés suivant les deux axes ont donné lieu à 32 articles scientifiques.

Vive-President in charge of international affairs and partnerships

Deputy General Secretary

Vice Treasurer

Advisor N°1

Advisor N°2

Advisor N°3

Advisor N°4