CACerS (Composites and Advanced Ceramics Society) in a few words….

The CACerS is an association governed by the law n°90/053 of December 19, 1990 of the Republic of Cameroon’s Constitution, relating to the liberty of association, regulating the right of association and by the various texts in force. Its aim is to contribute to the promotion and development of teaching and research in the fields of ceramic materials, the valorisation of natural resources and their fields of interest.

Some of CACerS’ actions

CACerS initiates and manages research for development projects in the field of ceramic materials in collaboration with national and international partners. It participates in efforts to equip scientific research laboratories and to assist researchers in the domain. It can constitute itself as a technical consultancy and expertise organisation for public or private institutions and it promotes any project likely to facilitate the achievement of the objectives of the “CACerS”. The CACerS organises an annual international CGCA conference which is intended to be a forum for exchange between scientists from academia and industry, and a platform for African and international activity in the field of ceramics. During this conference, young researchers (PhD and post-doctoral students) have the privilege to present their work and share their experiences on an international scale. The best papers presented at the conference are awarded with prizes funded by our partners.


CACerS Workshop-01

Importantes Date

30 / 05 / 2024 : Opening of registration
30 / 06 / 2024 12 / 07 / 2024 : End of registration
23 – 25 / 07 / 2024 : Workshop – Yaounde
30 / 07 – 01 / 08 / 2024 : Workshop – Foumban

Comming soon CGCA-02 APRIL 2025 Save the date


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