About CGCA-01
This first edition of the International Conference on Ceramics and Geomaterials in Central Africa (CGCA-01) will be held in Yaoundé (Cameroon) on November 28 - December 1, 2023. It is organized by the Institute of Research for Ceramics (IRCER, CNRS and University of Limoges), the [...]
The International Conference on Ceramics and Geomaterials in Central Africa (CGCA) is initiated by Professors Gisèle Lecomte-Nana (Limoges), Claire Peyratout (Limoges), Chantale Njiomou Djangang (Yaoundé) and Dayirou Njoya (Yaoundé) and Elie Kamseu (Yaoundé) to enhance the scientific [...]
Patronage And Honorary Board
UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF: - Ministry of Higher Education, Cameroon- Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation, Cameroon- Embassy of France in CameroonHONORARY BOARD:- Honorary President: Rector of the University of Yaounde I, Cameroon- Honorary Vice-President: President of the [...]
Conference Board
Chair: Prof. Emeritus Daniel NJOPWOUO Prof. EmeritusCo-Chair : Dr. Gisèle LECOMTE-NANASecretary: Prof. Dayirou NJOYADeputy Secretaries: Dr. Zenabou NDAYOU NGOULOURE, Dr. MOUAFON MohamedTreasurer: DR. Elie KAMSEUDeputy Treasurers : Dr. Nicolas TESSIER-DOYEN, Dr. Rodrigue Cyriaque KAZE, Dr. [...]
Organizing Committee
Philippe THOMAS (Laboratory IRCER, University of Limoges)Claire PEYRATOUT (Laboratory IRCER, University of Limoges)Fabrice ROSSIGNOL (Laboratory IRCER, University of Limoges)Hélène MEMY (Laboratory IRCER, University of Limoges)Philippe BLANCHART (Laboratory IRCER, University of [...]
Scientific Commmittee
Honorary Chair of the Scientific CommitteeProf. Anne LERICHE, Hauts-de-France Polytechnic University, CERAMATHS, FranceUniversity of Limoges, IRCER UMR CNRS 7315, France Dr. Fabrice ROSSIGNOLProf. Agnès SMITHDr. Pierre-MarieGEFFROYProf. Claire PEYRATOUTProf. Philippe BLANCHARTProf. Sylvie [...]
Abstract submission
Dowload abstract template * = mandatory fieldsRGPD Details:The information collected on this form is recorded in a file computerized by the University of Limoges in order to manage the submission of abstracts within the framework of the organization of the CGCA conference. They are collected [...]
Important dates
– May 11, 2023: 1st Call for Abstracts
– July 30, 2023: Closing of abstract submission*
– August 28, 2023: Notification of acceptance of abstracts
*Contact for additional late submission until August 25, 2023
Instructions to authors
Authors of abstracts should write in WORD, Times New Roman, font size 12, standard margins (2.5 cm top, 2.5 cm bottom, 2.5 cm left, 2.5 cm right). A template for the abstracts is available on the link Abstract-name-surname-Oralorposter-CGCA01. The abstract will include the following subheadings: Each abstract will be a maximum of one A4 page. All abstracts will be submitted online at
The registration fees are fixed as follows
a) Universities, laboratories and economic operators from African countries
- FCFA 20 000 (€ 32) for teachers-researchers and researchers;
- FCFA 32 500 FCFA (€ 50) for economic operators;
- FCFA 6 500 FCFA (€ 10) for students.
b) Universities, laboratories and economic operators from countries outside Africa
- FCFA 100 000 FCFA (€ 155) for teachers-researchers and researchers;
- FCFA 150 000 FCFA (€ 230) for economic operators;
- FCFA 50 000 FCFA (€ 80) for students.
These fees entitle participants to the conference documents, access to coffee breaks, lunches and cocktails, the gala evening and visits/excursions. Payment of the registration fee must be made before 15/09/2023 to the Treasurer, President of the financial committee or by bank transfer (see